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Publikace vydané Univerzitou Pardubice / Published by the University of Pardubice

Stálý URI pro tuto komunituhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/37631


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  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Environmental innovation of packaging in Czech chemical companies
    (University of Pardubice, 2021) Paták, Michal; Branská, Lenka; Janata, Daniel; Adam, Martin
    Chemical companies are currently under the increasing pressure to enhance the sustainability of packaging for the products intended primarily for final consumers. To identify the extent of the implementation of environmental innovations in packaging, motivators thereof and barriers associated therewith, quantitative research was carried out among 26 Czech chemical companies. It has been found that the most common environmental innovations of packaging focus on the introduction of packaging made from biodegradable or recycled materials. However, it is innovations that allow savings in packaging materials that are considered successful. The main motivating aspect for the introduction of environmental packaging innovations is the expected growth in value for the customer(s). The biggest barriers include the fear that customers will not accept raised prices of innovated products and the incompatibility of packaging with its content.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Application of the elements of the Industry 4.0 concept in chemical industry and comparison with other industrial areas in the Czech Republic
    (University of Pardubice, 2020) Košťálová, Jana; Vávra, Jan; Bergerová, Veronika
    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is one of the most dynamic developed areas, opening new business models and impacting efficiency and productivity. The use of ICT technology and its outcomes in other economic areas and their overall social impact is desirable to be continually evaluated. Intensive ICT developments is named as Industry 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution, including the deployment of integrated ICT solutions, digitization, automation, robotics, intensive use of the Internet, including the Internet of Things or the Internet of Services, cyber-physical systems and artificial intelligence systems, additive printing, and other tools. The aim of the article is to determine the basic elements of Industry 4.0 and assess their use and impact on society; such an assessment being carried out in selected companies of the chemical, food, and automotive industry of the Czech Republic. The above industries are using automated systems available already for years. The specific use of elements of Industry 4.0 is influenced by industry specifications, both by using these elements and gradually introducing them to be adapted for expected conditions. In the chemical industry, the elements of Industry 4.0 are used; especially, in the digitization of the assesment of the value chain from the design phase of the product up to its production, management, and logistics. There are used elements that contribute to increased productivity, production planning tools and supply optimization. For monitoring and controlling of operational safety production operations data, such as data distributed via the Internet of Things, are shared and analyzed. Similar situation is in the food industry, whereas in the automotive industry, it is possible to take advantage of digitalisation and robotization. Based on the analysis reported herein, the situation in selected enterprises of the chemical, food and automotive industries is evaluated, a number of elements of Industry 4.0 presented and the expected trends of further development in this area outlined.
  • ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Opportunities for servitization in chemical companies
    (University of Pardubice, 2019) Vlčková, Vladimíra
    It is the increase in the importance of services what is one of the typical features in the current stage of the development of market economies. Industrial manufacturing is thus changing. Instead of accepting the “truth passed on” that competitiveness can only be achieved through offering cheaper, faster, or better products, the manufacturers perceive themselves more and more as service providers who offer complete solutions instead of mere products. The chemical industry in the Czech Republic faces a number of global challenges. The cost of achieving harmony with newly implemented environmental and safety standards valid in the European Union make production unproportionally more expensive, and if we add to it still significantly lower labour costs in the Southeast Asia, this results in a starting handicap that companies have to compensate by some other specific advantages or competences. With a certain level of simplification, it is possible to say that, while the chemistry commodity strives to be as cheap as possible, specialized chemistry aims to be as original and flexible as possible. The possible way of how to achieve the competitive advantage can be found in the new business model of servitization. It represents a trend of moving from the traditional product-oriented marketing towards a product-service combination strategy, where a product is complemented with the respective service to increase the product added value. Therefore, this paper aims to pay attention to the possible concepts of product-and-service integration and to identify services that are suitable for servitization. This study offers the results of an analysis of the web pages concerning the chemical companies operating in the Czech Republic from the point of view of services they specify and, consequently, may offer.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Business model research proposal: novel business model concepts based on sustainable multiple customer value creation in a selected country
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Kita, Peter; Šimberová, Iveta
    The article’s objective is to propose a research framework that could describe an industry, structured by the industry’s specific performance indicators, through the lens of its business models as well as identify the specific features of novel business models. The approach is based on combining various approaches to business model research and propose a methodology which examines an selected industry, in this case a sector of the Czech chemical industry, through the lens of its business models and aims to provide novel business model concepts based on sustainable multiple customer value creation. The framework connects the theoretical concepts of business models, sustainable value added, and multiple customer value creation. The framework appropriates environmental and social aspects of the business model’s value proposition to the underlying strategy and gauges it by sustainable value added. The resulting business model concepts serve as an overview and incentive to further develop novel business model designs within the selected industry.