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Diplomové práce / Theses ÚEV FES (Ing.)

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/47888


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    Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    Role of innovations and impact on economic development in MENA countries
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2024) Boadu, Martin Amofa; Stejskal, Jan; Prokop, Viktor
    Hospodářský růst v zemích Blízkého východu a Afriky postupuje díky inovativním opatřením navzdory převládající nestabilitě. Rozvoj nových příležitostí prostřednictvím diverzifikace průmyslových odvětví a inovací je zásadní. Výzkum posoudí faktory, které jsou hnací silou inovací v regionu MENA a navrhne způsoby jejich posílení. Cílem je prozkoumat dopad inovací na na ekonomický rozvoj v zemích MENA prostřednictvím studia jejich inovačního prostředí a a poskytnout návrhy založené na hodnocení výsledků.
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    Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    Examining regional sustainable development policies of selected EU member state
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2024) Boateng, George Baafi; Gyamfi, Solomon; Maštálka, Martin
    Implementation of Sustainable Development Strategies has gained prominence during the last two (2) decades. Human activities in the bid to achieve economic growth and to earn livelihoods for themselves and dependent relations have had serious effects and implications on the environment either consciously or unconsciously thereby leading to depletion of both renewable and non-renewable resources alike. Human actions have affected the natural ecosystem and have resulted in climate change, rapid depletion of natural endowments and continuous damage to the biodiversity which had tremendous negative impact on the economic, social, and environmental aspects of development. This thesis seeks to identify the pillars of sustainable development and the relationship between TBL and sustainability in the context of regional growth and development. The study found that both countries adopted the TBL framework and the SDGs, but had different approaches, challenges, and outcomes.
  • Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    The effect of institutional quality on innovativeness of firm in emerging economies
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2024) Osei, Kwaku; Gyamfi, Solomon; Prokop, Viktor
    The aim of the study was to assess the institutional quality and infrastructural base of the state on the innovativeness of firms in emerging economies. The study considered key institutional arrangement and their propensity to affect the innovativeness of firms leading to economic growth. The specific research objectives were to examine the impact of foreign direct investment net outflows on institutional quality and the innovativeness and economic growth of Emerging economies, to evaluate effect of government effectiveness on the institutional quality and the innovativeness and economic growth of Emerging economies, and to assess the influence of rule of law on the institutional quality and innovativeness of economic growth of Emerging economies. The study found that the impact of foreign direct investment outflows on firm innovativeness is mixed. In some countries, such as Romania and Poland, foreign direct investment outflows have a positive impact on firm innovativeness. However, in other countries, such as the Czech Republic and Greece, foreign direct investment outflows have a negative impact on firm innovativeness. The study also found that the impact of government effectiveness on firm innovativeness is mixed. In Hungary and the Czech Republic, there is a statistically significant negative relationship between government effectiveness and firm innovativeness. The study found that Rule of law has a strong positive impact on firm innovativeness. The study found that countries with stronger rule of law tend to have more innovative firms. The study found that this was because stronger rule of law provides a more stable and predictable environment for businesses, which allows them to take risks and invest in innovation.
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    Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    Free movement of capital in the EU
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2024) Osei-Mensah, Ama Fobi; Janderová, Jana; Šmíd, Martin
    The aim of the thesis is an analysis of the principle of free movement of capital, which applies directly to the laws of EU countries. The enforcement activity of the European Commission ensuring that EU countries properly apply the rules of the Treaty will be studied. Most common restrictions to the free movement of capital and acts to eliminate any barrier that is incompatible with the Treaty will be defined through analysis of the European Court of Justice case law. Finally, the powers of the Commission will be evaluated and measures will be proposed to tackle possible shortcomings found through the analysis.
  • Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    Circular Economy Indicators as a Supporting Tool for Regional Development
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2024) Boateng, Osborn Agyenim; Prokop, Viktor; Gyamfi, Solomon
    The aim of the thesis is to analyse the influence of circular economy indicators on regional development in selected European countries. The study explains the concept of circular economy, then defines its main indicators and analyses their impact on regional development. The study adopted Czech Republic, Germany and Netherlands as case study countries to examine their circular economy indicators on regional development indicator Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The study found that circular economy indicators such as Waste Management, Secondary raw materials, Production and Consumption, and National Budget expenditure on environmental protection have significant positive impacts on regional development indicator Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the three countries, Czech Republic, Germany and Netherlands.
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    Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2023) Peter Tindan, Jacob; Komárková, Jitka; Prokop, Viktor
    Country attractiveness is critical for the economic development of countries in Central Europe. The ability to attract investment inflows has been ascertained as critical, thus, ensuring enough financial inflows to lead to economic growth, job creation, and raising the standard of living. This study focuses on 9 countries in Central Europe to provide a visualization of their country-level attractiveness. The variables used for the visualizations are GDP, FDI, Political Stability, Government Effectiveness, and Infrastructure, thus the number of people having access to Broadband internet. This study adopted panel data analysis for the research design. The study used the convenience sampling technique to select the countries for the study. The countries selected in Central Europe; Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, and Hungary. The source of data was from multiple authoritative places; World Bank, IMF, and EUROSTAT. The longitudinal data used to span from the period of 2017 - 2021. The software used for the analysis was the Quantum Geographic Information Software (QGIS). The study revealed that countries like the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Slovenia had higher country-level attractiveness compared to the selected countries. This is a result of their higher achievements in political stability, GDP per capita growth, and Government Effectiveness. While, Serbia and Bulgaria performed lower across all the variables on the country level - attractiveness. Countries like Poland, Croatia, and Slovakia made a specific impact in different years. The researcher recommends future studies need to be conducted in other European countries, mostly Eastern and Western Europe to ascertain the impact of the selected variables on their country-level attractiveness. Additionally, there is a need to adopt different variables. Thus, other studies can use inflation, interest rates, import and export, and level of trade with other countries
  • Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    Regional Development Policies of Commonwealth Countries in Africa
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2023) Bedjour, George Amponsah; Maštálka, Martin; Zdražil, Pavel
    The roots of the regional policies came about in Great Britain at the beginning of the 20th century. Many countries in the world left the Empire of Great Britain during the last century, but they are keeping close economic and social relations with the United Kingdom through the Commonwealth. The provision of aid and other forms of help to less economically developed regions is where regional development's significance lies. The diffusion of regional policy ideas into the governance of these African countries may have been aided by this. Using Ghana, Zambia, Rwanda, and South Africa as case studies, this research sought to identify the various kinds of regional development policies put into practice in Commonwealth African nations. This study looked for issues with regional development policy implementation in particular African countries as well as the effects of regional development policy indicators in those African countries. The main aim of thesis was to assess the level of implementation of regional policies in the Commonwealth countries in Africa. Data used for the analysis was from a field survey using a quantitative questionnaire data collection method. A 200-sample size was taken to treat this thesis and each of the four selected countries had a size of fifty respondents respectively. The study found that there were no regional development strategies in selected countries, and this came with inadequate funding hindered policy implementations that usually result to low level policy result and effects.
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    Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    Socio-economic Context of Migration
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2022) Asuah, Zakari Akurigo; Macháček, Jaroslav; Prokop, Viktor
    The study's goal is to identify and assess major migration movements and their impact on the socio-economic development of the Czech Republic Regions. The thesis explored descriptive analysis to examine the theoretical arguments for identifying major determinants of migration in Central and Eastern European Countries. The study also investigates the migration trend in the Czech Republic and the socioeconomic effects of migration on the Czech Republic. Whiles correlation analysis was used to analyse the effect of migration on the Size and population of the Czech Republic, content analysis was conducted identify major determinants of migrations in Czech Republic. Emphasis was based on selective aspects of migration attitude. Issues associated with accommodation, ad-culturation, assimilation and integration are dealt with. The findings of the study, which were based on data collected and qualitatively analysed, revealed that the country derived socio-economic benefits from the labour activities of migrants from both the EU-28 and non-EU countries. Immigration had a significant effect on the size of the population of the Czech Republic whereas emigration was insignificant. Furthermore, the Czech Republic's access to EU membership facilitates the increasing number of immigrants into the country. Immigrants close up the labour deficiency gap in the country. In addition, the analysis show regions which have high immigrants are more developed than regions with a low immigrant turnout. The thesis's findings show that immigrants contribute to the formation and development of regions in the Czech Republic. Migration, therefore, has a positve impact on the socio-economic development of regions in Czech Republic.
  • Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    The impact of state aid on the firms' innovation performance: an international comparative study
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2022) Mohammed, Sabiu Gariba; Stejskal, Jan; Prokop, Viktor
    The research seeks to determine the impact of state aid on the innovation performance firms' within the "visegrad" (V4) member countries. This is due to the recent role firms' (SME) play in the development of every economy, thus influencing the need to determine how the government of the V4 member state support SME to attain their goals and objectives. The study first of all began with the literature review on innovation performance by reviewing the concept of innovation performance, determinants of innovation, corporation for innovation, policies that support innovation performance, brief meaning of state aid, financing of SME and funds available for financing as well as the effectiveness of the funds. The second part of the study demonstrates literature on the concept of state aid, importance to firms, policies of state aid, state aid structure, and instrument of state aid. In the third part the methodology for the research was developed and hypothesis created and assessed. In the fourth part analysis was conducted and it was noted that state financial aid has a significant influence on SME patent count and product innovation performance within the V4 member countries. Interestingly, the discussion it would be realized that other researcher in their study identified an insignificant relationship between state financial aid and SME innovation performance. However, the study concludes that state financial aid has a significant influence on SME innovation performance in the V4 member state.
  • Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    Corruption and International Trade
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2021) Agyei, Reinolf; Linhartová, Veronika; Zdražil, Pavel
    Corruption has become a roadblock in international trade, where it affects the flow of goods and services between and within countries. International trade deals include a variety of tasks, such as finding a partner, negotiating contracts, and transporting products, all of which have affect trade outcomes and are potentially corruptible. For example, it may be a common practice in some countries for international exporting firms to bribe importing firms as part of forming a business agreement. The main aim of this thesis is to identify the causes and consequences of corruption and determinants of international trade in the case of the V4 countries. The quantitative method was adopted using secondary annual data on Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), The World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Eurostat. Data on corruption ratings, that is, Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), was obtained from Transparency International between the year range 2010 to 2019, respectively. With international trade being represented by export rates and import rates. The key findings from this research indicate that corruption negatively affects the export rate in V4 countries; however, its effect on the import rate in V4 countries was different thus;, corruption has a positive effect on the import rate in the V4 countries.