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Aktuální otázky sociální politiky 2007 – teorie a praxe

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38510


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    Ochrana nezletilých dětí jako součást sociální politiky
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Závurka, Milan
    Inseparable part of the social policy is indisputably minor children protection. For number of years in common matters operate without problems especially the particular children care departments of municipal and local offices. However problems with providing this care detected in connection with so called international children abduction. The question is whether this special sphere should be provide by one special body with the whole country competence or by particulat departments of local administratice bodys. Legislator is trying to solve this question but nevertheless it is still matter for futher discussion.
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    Postavení poskytovatelů v sociálních službách
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Wildmannová, Mirka
    Social service law results in reduction of the state monopoly in offering social services, and also giving chance to private providers of social care. The new law adopts market principles in social sphere, because each provider of social care will take part on a fair competition while competing for social weak people’s favour. Article highlights role of partners during the process of establishing public policies that serves as a base for social services providing and identify as a mistake passive and static models without utilizing social capital and potential of partners.
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    Bývanie a kvalita života
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Vidová, Jarmila
    Housing is a part of social development, improvement of quality of individual living as well as society´. We can see right now differentiation of society by the professions, education level which has influence to housing quality and by it to quality of living. Because of man life is done not only in flat or house but as well in other areas and its developing social process, which has own acts, housing is realization set of personal activities in flat and living area. To live means from social level, to be in concrete society, has feeling of companionship and safety coming, from membership of this society. Housing should be taken from wider outlook of interesting places in context of growing employment potential so in complex of Lisbon agenda realization.
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    Projekt „Institut trhu práce – podpůrný systém služeb zaměstnanosti“
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Svobodová, Iva
    The aim of the project is to improve the employment services in quality and capacity and make it accessible by establishing the Labor Market Institute. The processes will be examined within 5 pilot regions of the Czech Republic and in consequence the methodology will be worked out in order to improve and extend the activities and services in the field of labor market, intermediation and career consultancy as well as the consultancy in the field of ESF grants provided currently by the subjects securing these services.
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    Romové v Ostravě
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Solanský, Oldřich
    The author briefly analyses a situation of Roman population in Ostrava, summarizes positive and negative factors and he also suggests possible solutions to present problems. He traces solutions in making a unified conception in cooperation with all interested institutions. This conception will solve the problems globally with accent on education and it will not solve it as an ethnical problem.
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    Celoživotné vzdelavanie ťažko zdravotne postihnutých – formy a ciele. (praktický návrh)
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Rakovská, Eva
    The contribution dealt with possibility to build up a common house and to create a common community of physically handicaped people, which are create on the professional base or as a long-life education centers. It offers the reasons and motives for building this centers.
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    Sociálně patologické jevy vs. rizikové chování – terminologické otazníky
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Moussová Hadj, Zuzana; Duplinský, Josef
    Terms used in social politics and work represent certain context which influence the approach to the problem individuals and/or behaviors and can cause further problems. In this article we analyse term of “social pathology” and “risk behavior” and consider the consequences of its use for public and social workers.
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    Hodnota zdraví u osob bez domova
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Mandys, Jan
    Regarding the lifestyle homeless people have difficult access to medical care. At the same time this lifestyle markedly influences the comprehension of the meaning of physical and mental health as well. The housing is one of fundamental determinations of the health. The homelessness is expressive phenomenon of the recent days and it represents extreme form of the social exclusion. Majority society often stigmatizes homeless people all sorts of prejudices. However these stigmas more and more deepen their social exclusion.
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    Sociální ekonomika v ČR a její řešení v projektu Hefaistos
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Leznar, Zdeněk
    Between the people and regions they inhabit an unequality of chances originates since the very beginning. It did not prove successful to eliminate this unequality in the course of history and at present we meet with it also in existing market economy based on free business for the purpose of profit acquirement. Particularly unemployed people, new school graduates without previous practice, people with insufficient education, people in pre-pension age, people without convenient housing , poor people and mothers with small children are exposed to those social inequalities. Furthermore also persons who have found themselves - for various reasons – out of the main society stream and have lost adequate living background, especially housing and employment, and subsequently financial income as well. A specific group consists of people with health problems, healthwise or otherwise handicapped people, people dependent on drugs, homeless people, people after return from sentence, from mental homes, after return from a long-term illness, and others. A modern group consists of immigrants and refugees, particularly without professional and language knowledge, and ethnical minorities. This problem is so much important that even European Union tries to solve it. A fundamental objective is seen in achievement of maximum employment. The European Commission in ensuring this commitment recommends to take aim at the sphere of social economy, above all at activities connected with providing payed as well as unpayed services, at repeated introduction of disadvantaged groups of citizens into working process and at creation of equal conditions between groups of citizens, including among men and women. Social economy in European Union countries comprises round 900,000 enterprises and represents about ten per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) and employment. Social economy is a part of a social and economic model of the future European Union. The European Union enforces a principle of solidarity and differences both between different groups of citizens and between different regions. EU leans upon social economy enterprises which are already well introduced in the given locality and follow necessary relations with local authorities, and enterprises that set themselves an aim to prevent exclusion of some persons from domain of common society, and which on the contrary follow their introduction into this society. Within the European Union countries it has been striven for social enforcement of these people by different means, among which an important role is played by the so-called social economy. Social economy belongs as yet in our country among conceptions which only very hardly penetrace into current life, namely also on the level of terminology/conceptuality. Therefore it is desirable that possibilities, methods and conditions for their return should be found , i.e. to establish social inclusion and restrict social exclusion as much as possible. This has been the main reason of origination of HEFAISTOS Development Partnership.
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    Společenská odpovědnost firem a její vliv na regionální rozvoj v zemích EU
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Kožená, Marcela
    The corporate social responsibility (CSR) includes above all environmental and social problems, which should by realized on the business level too. CRS application becomes a new factor of the firm competitive ability because brings new market opportunities. The positive conditions of the work can increase the productivity of production. CSR-strategy contributes to further development of the regions too.