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Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses, dissertations, etc.

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/4

Tato kolekce obsahuje záznamy všech bakalářských, diplomových a disertačních prací obhájených na Univerzitě Pardubice od roku 1992. Plné texty jsou povinně odevzdávány od roku 2008. Tištěné verze jsou k nahlédnutí v Univerzitní knihovně. This collection contains all thesis and dissertations submitted at the University of Pardubice since 1992. Fulltext are obligatory added since 2008. Printed versions are available in the University library.


Search Results

Nyní se zobrazuje 1 - 10 z 17
  • Náhled
    Disertační práceOtevřený přístup
    The Saiva Dravida Nation: Maraimalai Adigal and the Transformation of the Nation-Religion-Language Framework
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2022) Kaushik, Arvind Swaminath; Fárek, Martin; Deroover, Jakob; Prahash, Shah
    This work focuses on Tamil nationalism, specifically on its intellectual roots. It examines how the nation-religion-language paradigm underwent a conceptual distortion when it migrated from the British cultural setting to Tamil Nadu, and what this tells us about the native cultural framework. Although the Dravidian movement has been studied extensively, there has been minimal research into its early intellectual beginnings. Most researchers studying the Dravidian movement focused on the birth of Justice Party and the vision of its important leader, Tamil nationalist and separatist E. V. Ramaswami Naicker (known as ?Periyar?). While this iconoclast and atheist envisioned a Tamil nation free of religion and caste, it was a group of Saiva Vellala intellectuals, and among them especially Maraimalai Adigal (1876-1950), who sowed the seeds for a Dravidian nationalist movement. Unlike Periyar, Maraimalai Adigal was a traditionalist and a staunch follower of the Saiva Siddhanta tradition. Adigal?s thought linked nation, religion, and language in a way which calls for analysis of the very specific situation which led this Indian thinker to conceptualize Tamil people as a nation. Apparently, he reacted to the British ideas about what made Dravidians (and more specifically, Tamils) into a nation, but much more should be explained about this reaction. There are several problems with the descriptions offered by researchers concerning Adigal?s vision of ?Shaivite monotheism? being the original Tamil religion, and how does this vision relate to the building of Tamil nation. A careful reading of Adigal?s writings leads the author of this thesis to a reconsideration of the idea that this Tamil scholar simply accepted the British concept of nation and applied it to his people. Adigal?s points about purifying Tamil language seem to be of a different nature than the British focus on language as the constituent of a nation, and also his claims about Vellalas (his own jati) being the original Tamil nation need better explanation than those offered so far.
  • Habilitační práce
    The control of spectral and non-spectral interferences in ETAAS and TOF-ICP-MS
    (2019) Husáková, Lenka
    The presented work is organized as a commented collection of selected peer-reviewed scientific papers {A1-A17 } published between years 2005 and 2019. Research interests include the development of innovative methods for sample preparation and applications in electrothermal atomic absorption spectometry (ETAAS) {A1-A12} and inductively coupled plasma orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometry (oaTOF-ICP-MS) {A13-A17}. Specifically, the attention is focused on studying the matrix effects, developments of methods for their overcoming and applying of oaTOF-ICP-MS and ETAAS to the characterization of food, biological, geological, industrial and environmetal samples. The range of statistical methods was employed to have an integral role in both the interpretation and quality assessment of analytical results. Taking into consideration that modern approaches are looking for greener strategies, several methods employed in this work can be highlighted for moving towards green chemistry trends. Since all the discussed manuscripts are attached in the appendix, only background information, main achievements and general conclusions are discussed in the text.
  • Náhled
    Bakalářská práceOtevřený přístup
    Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's Style of Writing in Graded Reader Publications
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Pinkrová, Eva; Roebuck, Olga
    This paper deals with the question of retaining Edgar Allan Poe's writing style in Graded Reader Publications. Poe's writing style is characterized in the first chapter, the style of Graded Readers in the second chapter. In the last chapter, the original version of Poe's short story "The Black Cat" is compared to its simplified version, graded according to the language levels of Penguin Graded Readers. The aim of this analysis is to determine whether Poe's unique writing style and his original intention are retained in the adapted versions of his works.
  • Náhled
    Diplomová práceOtevřený přístup
    Passive voice in scientific style
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2008) Kučerová, Hana; Huschová, Petra
    The work focuses on the passive voice, the relation between active and passive, it explains how and when it is formed. It clarifies the conditions and constraints of the usage. The work describes the function of the passive and its frequency based on the analysis of selected texts written in scientific style.
  • Disertační práceOtevřený přístup
    Malabar Christianity: Practices and Theology between Cultures
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2018) Joss, Tess; Fárek, Martin
    This work focuses on Indian Christianity. While the field of Indian Christianity has been extensively studied, there have been no efforts made to understand if Indian culture, which has housed Christianity for at least 14 centuries, has transformed Christianity in any way, and if so, how. This thesis is an attempt at tracing this transformation, critically assessing the knowledge that has been generated by scholars in the field, and see if it is a worthy cause to rethink Indian Christianity.
  • Habilitační práce
    Experimental characterization of explosives and their effects
    (University of Pardubice, 2017) Pachman, Jiří
    This thesis represents a brief overview of author´s research work done in the characterization of explosives, their detonation properties and effects they impose on the surroundings. This includes development of methods and instrumentation as well as their application in particular cases of individual explosives and explosive composition. The topics studied cover determination of detonation velocity with optical methods, determination of detonation pressure by shock or particle velocity measurements, studies of the ability of explosives to accelerate inert materials, characterization of material under explosive or shock loading and the issues of blast wave generation in air by detonating explosive.
  • Diplomová práce
    William Saroyan: American Armenian or Armenian American?
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2005) Burda, Jan; Bubíková, Šárka
    Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem arménského a amerického prostředí na tvorbu Williama Saroyana. Především zkoumá kulturní kořeny, ze kterých Saroyan pocházel a také si všímá jeho specifického rodinného prostředí. Ústředním tématem je spisovatelova bikulturnost.
  • Diplomová práce
    Significant Events of the Second Half of the 20th Century Northern Ireland in the Books of Brian Friel
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2005) Beseda, Viktor; Zderadičková, Olga
    Práce se zabývá srovnáním hry irského dramatika Briana Friela a skutečných událostí, které se staly během Krvavé neděle.
  • Diplomová práce
    Boundaris between Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2005) Všianská, Martina; Ježková, Šárka
    Nejasné přechody mezi slovními druhy spojené s existencí ingových tvarů (přítomné participium, guerundium, podstatné jméno slovesné), které mají ve větách různé použití a funkce.
  • Bakalářská práce
    Impact of "White Culture" on the Aboriginal Culture in Australia
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2005) Srp, Jan; Zderadičková, Olga
    Práce se zabývá vlivem "bílé" koloniální kultury na kulturu původního australského obyvatelstva, přičemž zvláštní pozornost je věnována začlenění dětí původních obyvatel do "bílé" majoritní společnosti, tedy tzv. "stolen generation".