Fikejz, JanMerta, Jan2018-02-272018-02-272017978-1-5108-4765-1 article deals with the proposal for dynamic calculation of train delays using the rail network model and satellite navigation. Attention is focused on the description of the location of trains in the designed model of railway network. Further attention is aimed on the design of the dynamic calculation of train delays with utilization of reduced track profile and using computer simulation for experiments.p. 248-254engpouze v rámci univerzityrailwaynetwork modelcalculationtrain delaysmodelželezniční síťdynamický výpočetzpoždění vlakůUtilization of railway network model for dynamic calculation of train delaysVyužití modelu železniční sítě pro dynamický výpočet zpoždění vlakůConferenceObject2-s2.0-850351047422-s2.0-8503510474239879917