Jeroh, EdirinEdesiri, Godsday Okoro2016-06-142016-06-1420151211-555X (Print)1804-8048 (Online) attempting to determine the factors that affect the prices of stocks generally in capital markets, two schools of thought exist. While a school of thought believes that accounting information are the major determinants of stock prices in capital markets, the other argues that the major determinants of stock prices are non-accounting information. This study therefore provides useful insights into resolving the contradicting arguments by analyzing some accounting measures (dividends and net assets) that Nigerian investors use in making investment decisions in order to take a standpoint whether or not, they significantly affect stock prices. Data obtained from the Nigerian Stock Exchange Fact Book and Annual Reports and Accounts of firms listed on the floor of the Nigerian Stock Exchange for the period 2001-2013 were obtained and analyzed using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique. On the basis of the analyses, it was found among others that accounting information are the major determinants of stock prices in the Nigerian capital market. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that capital market regulators and accounting standard setters in Nigeria should properly educate investors on the attributes of accounting variables across the industries as these significantly have impact on the prices of stocks in the country.p. 46-54engopen accessstock pricestock price determinantsdividendsnet assetsAn empirical analysis of share price determinants in Nigeria: A dividend and net asset replicaArticle2-s2.0-84929619388D53E43E44