Desai, Nishaben PadamFerjenčík, MilošBrožek, JosefJalový, ZdeněkKubík, Jan2020-03-192020-03-192019978-1-5108-8691-9 overall aim of this article is to change the general perspective of laboratory safety from being boring to make it more interesting using mobile games. A type of Mobile Serious Game (MSG) is underway of designing for laboratory safety at the Institute of Energetic Materials at the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Pardubice University (CZ). This application is principally aiming a group of players who, after a period of time feel either over confidence or ignorant towards laboratory safety. It is believed that challenging nature of the game would make learning precisely interesting. Three different levels of game would be based on level of difficulty with respect to safety rules. i.e., level one is all about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), level two would highlight one of the hazardous Nitration reactions, while level three would be designed for detailed learning of safety rules connected with the reaction. Second half of this paper would argue how constructivism and learning theories are believed to be suitable options while correlating safety with MSG. Whereas Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) offers four stages of learning; a) concrete experience b) reflective observation c) Abstract conceptualization and d) active experimentation. Which means a learner/player would enter from any stage of learning cycle to complete learning process to gain knowledge of laboratory safety."144b-1"-"144b-10"engpouze v rámci univerzityLaboratory SafetySpiral learningKolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT)Laboratorní bezpečnostspirální učeníKolbova teorie experimentálního učeníDon't Worry!! Laboratory Safety Is Fun Do, Let's Play a Mobile Game :)Bez starostí! Bezpečnost v laboratoři je zábava, zahrajme si na mobilu :)ConferenceObject39883268