Huschová, PetraBrožová, Zuzana2014-09-222014-09-222014 thesis deals with the use of specific lexical and semantic features of the English language used in advertising slogans. The work aims to examine the functioning of slogans from the viewpoint of linguistics, more specifically lexicology and semantics, which helps to understand the main psychological processes that go through the consumer's mind while being under influence of the marketing tricks used in slogans. The work is divided into the theoretical part, the purpose of which is to emphasize and investigate the central aspects of advertising as such, and the practical part, which examines the concrete features of slogans and tries to reveal the most frequent attention-drawing and manipulative techniques. The practical part is primarily divided into seven crucial chapters, each of which represents a specific hypothesis directly aimed at a concrete slogan feature.55 s.1706025 bytesapplication/pdfengPouze v rámci univerzityjazyk reklamyreklamní sloganytechniky manipulacetechniky upoutání pozornostisémantické prvky sloganůlexikální prvky sloganůlanguage of advertisingadvertising slogansattention-drawing techniquesmanipulative techniquessemantic features of sloganslexical features of slogansUse of selected attention-drawing lexical devices in advertising slogansUžití poutavých lexikálních prostředků v reklamních sloganechbakalářská práceD3076422516