Říhová, MartinaPotůček, František2019-05-222019-05-222018978-80-228-3058-4https://hdl.handle.net/10195/72475Soda pulp cooked from rapeseed straw was subjected to the totally chlorine-free bleaching using hydrogen peroxide and peractic acid as bleaching agents. The five-stage bleaching sequence, Q1Q2EpPaaP, containing two chelation stages, as well as four-stage sequence, AEpPaaP, with an acidic stage were applied to investigate the properties of bleached soda pulp, namely its brightness and tensile strength. For comparison, once-dried kraft softwood pulp, as well as never-dried oxygen-predelignified kraft softwood pulp and sulphite spruce pulp were bleached under the same process conditions. The results obtained showed that totally chlorine-free bleaching did not bring the sufficient bleaching effect for soda rapeseed pulp. The brightness of 54 % ISO achieved for the AEpPaaP bleaching sequence was lower comparing to that for kraft and sulphite pulps.p. 84-95engopen accesssoda rapeseed pulpTCF bleachingbrightnessbreaking lengthnatronová řepková buničinaTCF běleníbělostpevnost v tahuBleaching of Soda Rapeseed Pulp with Chelation and Acid StagesBělení natronové řepkové buničiny s chelatačním a kyselým stupněmConferenceObject39881445