Chlebíková, DarinaKolenčík, Juraj2009-12-112009-12-1120081211-6610 is a tool that can be used to making life easier and also running businesses and other enterpirses profitably. This tool can be used by anyone. It is not restricted to businesses and companies alone. Outsourcing can be used to one´s advantage so that the business gets time and can use its staff efficiently in more important activities related to the business. A company that does not specialize in the specified type of work would benefit from outsorucing the work as manpower then is not wasted. Outsourcing represents very effective opportunity of competence delegation to correspondent and possibility to concentrate on core-business. This service is effective only in case, that all three sides are satisfied. Outsourcing partner have to obtain due reward for rendered service, buying company have to increase profit from core business and cut costs and the customer have to be satisfied with the level of services. Outsourcing brings many advantages, but also many plumbless risks. Security and quality of services are main attributes, that especially in financial sphere, have to be provided in high level. Limitations and mistakes of outsourcing partner don’t have coverage only to its person, but also to goodwill and market stance of the buying company and can directly influence.s. 133-140p. 133-140engBez omezeníOutsourcingdefinicevyužitívýhodyrizikaOutsourcing - opportunity or threatOutsourcing - příležitost nebo hrozbaArticle47578-13