Danková, MartinaKalendová, AndréaMachotová, Jana2021-05-152021-05-1520201547-0091https://hdl.handle.net/10195/77315This work was devoted to the study of the properties of an acrylate latex-based binder synthesized by semicontinuous emulsion polymerization. Nanoparticles of zinc oxide (NPsZnO) in an amount of 1.5 wt% with respect to the polymer content were added to the binder during the synthesis procedure. The binder was then homogenized with various anticorrosion pigments, fillers, and additives to obtain model anticorrosion paints. In addition, model paints with expected enhanced antimicrobial resistance designed for the protection of mineral substrates were also formulated and prepared. The effects of NPsZnO on the physicomechanical properties and on the chemical, anticorrosion, and antimicrobial resistance of the paint films were examined. The properties of the paints based on the synthesized binders were also compared to those of a commercial acrylate-type binder. The results show that incorporation of NPsZnO into the latex during the synthesis provided stable polymeric dispersions exhibiting physicochemical, mechanical, and anticorrosion properties that were superior to those of a blank binder (containing no nanoparticles) as well as to the commercial binder. It was also demonstrated that the binder with NPsZnO provided anticorrosion paints that are usable as coatings for environments with a moderate corrosion burden as well as paints for interior applications with reduced biocide contents.p. 517-529engopen access (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)acrylic latexantimicrobial coatingflash rustzinc oxide nanoparticleanticorrosion coatingakrylový latexantimikrobiální povlakblesková korozenanočástice oxidu zinečnatéhoantikorozní povlakWaterborne coatings based on acrylic latex containing nanostructured ZnO as an active additiveVodouředitelné nátěrové hmoty na bázi akrylátového latexu obsahující nanostrukturní oxid zinečnatý jako aktivní aditivumarticle10.1007/s11998-019-00302-60005194738000172-s2.0-8507754825439885048