Sociálny pracovník a resocializačný proces
Konferenční objektOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublishedDatum publikování
Šoková, Ľubomíra
Vedoucí práce
Název časopisu
Název svazku
Univerzita Pardubice
In the Slovakia rehabilitations offer to drug-addicted clients absolve longtime treat, either the formof ambulance or sojourn form. The family, who drugaddicted member decide to absove the social rehabilitation process, should participe on his treatment. In my contribution I work on know better the activities and work of
social worker. I decribe the work methods and procedures with client in the social
rehabilitation. Here, we focus on skills and knowledges, which are important and usefull in work with drug-users. The aim of the social rehabilitation process is permanent abstination of any substances. The clients have to walk a long way to achieve this aim.They recognize an abstinent philosophy and the health lifestyle. In
contribution I am been on the questions about area, which the social work in rehabilitation centre cover, about work the social worker with family together and work on competences of social worker as a member of therapeutic team.
Rozsah stran
p. 89-98
1804-9095 (Print)
1804-9109 (Online)
1804-9109 (Online)
Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam
Zdrojový dokument
Vydavatelská verze
Přístup k e-verzi
open access
Název akce
Aktuální otázky sociální politiky - teorie a praxe 2012 (17th May 2012, Pardubice, Czech Republic)
978-80-7395-539-7 (Print)
978-80-7395-540-3 (Online)
978-80-7395-540-3 (Online)
Studijní obor
Studijní program
Signatura tištěné verze
Umístění tištěné verze
Přístup k tištěné verzi
Klíčová slova
social rehabilitation, family, social worker, client, responsibilities, drug addiction, goal, method