Sub-micrometer soft lithography of a bulk chalcogenide glass
ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprintDatum publikování
Kohoutek Tomáš
Orava Jiří
Greer A. Lindsay
Fudouzi Hiroshi
Vedoucí práce
Název časopisu
Název svazku
Optical Society of America
We demonstrate, for the first time, time-and cost-effective replication of sub-micrometer features from a soft PDMS mold onto a bulk chalcogenide glass over a large surface area. A periodic array of submicrometer lines (diffraction grating) with period 625 nm, amplitude 45 nm and surface roughness 3 nm was imprinted onto the surface of the chalcogenide AsSe2 bulk glass at temperature 225 degrees C, i.e. 5 degrees C below the softening point of the glass. Sub-micrometer soft lithography into chalcogenide bulk glasses shows good reliability, reproducibility and promise for feasible fabrication of various dispersive optical elements, antireflection surfaces, 2D photonic structures and nano-structured surfaces for enhanced photonic properties and chemical sensing. (C) 2013 Optical Society of America
Rozsah stran
p. 9584-9591
Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam
EE2.3.20.0254/Výzkumný tým pro pokročilé nekrystalické materiály (ReAdMat)
Zdrojový dokument
Optics Express, volume 21, issue: 8
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Klíčová slova
nanoimprint lithography, imprint lithography, wave-guides, fibers, nanostructures, fabrication, micro, nanoimprint litografie, příprava optických prvků