Performance Management Techniques in Public Sector
Diplomová práceOtevřený přístupDatum publikování
Sackey, Lyndon Nii Adjiri
Vedoucí práce
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Název svazku
Univerzita Pardubice
Performance management has become top on attention of the public-sector management because many services in advanced economies, such as those of the U.K. and Scandinavia and other developing countries, have come under pressure to become more efficient and effective, to reduce their demands on taxpayers, while maintaining the volume and quality of services supplied to the public. To achieve this, they have been subjected to the introduction of various performance management techniques. Content analyses of published and unpublished articles, books, strategic plans of selected public sector, were selected randomly through different sources that contains the application of PMT in local government. It was observed from the analyses that performance management is diversely in management practice in the selected metropolitan boroughs.
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70 s.
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Studijní obor
Regional Development and Governance
Studijní program
Economic Policy and Administration
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Univerzitní knihovna (studovna)
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Klíčová slova
řízení výkonnosti, techniky řízení výkonnosti veřejný sektor, metropolitní čtvrti, Anglie, performance management, performance management techniques, public sector, metropolitan boroughs, England