Strategic Analysis of the External Environment of Transport Companies in the Czech Republic
Konferenční objektStatus neznámýpeer-reviewedpostprintDatum publikování
Myšková Renáta
Oborilová Iveta
Vedoucí práce
Název časopisu
Název svazku
STEF92 Technology Ltd.
Transport Company, as a socio-economic system, responds to changes in surroundings and adapts its economic activity to these changes. Therefore, interaction is going on between enterprise and its surroundings. The article focuses on the analysis of factors, which influence the success of business in the field of transport in the Czech Republic from the point of view of surroundings influence on companies. As part of the analysis, not only legislation and strategic documents were evaluated (although they are essential for creating a business environment in the transport sector), but also the structure of the sector, time development in sector and competition in the branch. Information was obtained partly from public databases and next from empirical research conducted in selected transport companies. On the basis of synthesized knowledge about the current state of the business environment in the Czech Republic and estimation of future trends in transport, a partial SWOT analysis ensued. Parts of a SWOT analysis were analysis of opportunities and threats (which the transport companies can meet with) as well as analysis of identified opportunities (in order of attractiveness) and risk analysis (in terms of severity and probability of occurrence). In SWOT analysis, qualitative and quantitative criteria were used. The relationships between the measured factors were evaluated not only in terms of possible causalities, but also taking into account their significance. It causes better evaluation of important occasion, which the transport company’s management should take advantage of, and threats which should be paid attention as well. The findings are useful for senior corporate executives, especially in strategic management.
Rozsah stran
p. 755-762
Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam
SGSFES_2015001/Ekonomický a sociální rozvoj v soukromém a veřejném sektoru
Zdrojový dokument
SGEM2015: Conference Proceedings. Book 2. Vol. 3
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Název akce
2nd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts SGEM 2015 (26.08.2015 - 01.09.2015)
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Klíčová slova
external environment analysis, SWOT analysis, opportunities and threats, transport company, analýzy externího prostředí, SWOT analýza, příležitosti a hrozby, dopravní podnik