Defining a new Internet communication strategy at the University of Pardubice
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Holá, Jana
Hloušková, Jitka
Vedoucí práce
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Název svazku
Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
A project on new Internet presentation and communication
is being carried out at the University of Pardubice. The
need of a new solution comes out from up-to-date
requirements for communication within the increase of the
University’s competitive advantage in the national as well
as international environment. The Internet is becoming a
more and more important source of information, for some
target groups of mutual communication it is often the only
one. For this reason it is necessary to optimise the
currently used technology and the contents of website
presentation according to new trends. The starting point
for the new solutions is the formation of a University
communication Internet strategy, which will comprehend
the main communication objectives. This strategy should
contribute to better cooperation between the University
and its partners. A communication Internet strategy can
help the University achieve the main goals of its long-time
programme. A Communication Internet Strategy (CIS) –
the usage of the Internet in the University communication
process – outlines how Internet communication can help
improve mutual communication between the University
and its partners. This article brings an overview of the
main points of the CIS definition process and its meaning
for the selection and implementation of a new solution.
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Virtual University VU ´07 : 8th International Conference (13th - 14th December 2007, Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
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Internet communication strategy (CIS), University of Pardubice, University communication processes, implementation processes