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How the Presence of Crystalline Phase Affects Structural Relaxation in Molecular Liquids: The Case of Amorphous Indomethacin

ČlánekOmezený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprint

Datum publikování



Svoboda, Roman
Pakosta, Marek
Doležel, Petr

Vedoucí práce


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MDPI AG (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)


The influence of partial crystallinity on the structural relaxation behavior of low-molecular organic glasses is, contrary to, e.g., polymeric materials, a largely unexplored territory. In the present study, differential scanning calorimetry was used to prepare a series of amorphous indomethacin powders crystallized to various extents. The preparations stemmed from the two distinct particle size fractions: 50-125 mu m and 300-500 mu m. The structural relaxation data from the cyclic calorimetric measurements were described in terms of the phenomenological Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan model. For the 300-500 mu m powder, the crystalline phase forming dominantly on the surface led to a monotonous decrease in the glass transition by similar to 6 degrees C in the 0-70% crystallinity range. The activation energy of the relaxation motions and the degree of heterogeneity within the relaxing matrix were not influenced by the increasing crystallinity, while the interconnectivity slightly increased. This behavior was attributed to the release of the quenched-in stresses and to the consequent slight increase in the structural interconnectivity. For the 50-125 mu m powder, distinctly different relaxation dynamics were observed. This leads to a conclusion that the crystalline phase grows throughout the bulk glassy matrix along the internal micro-cracks. At higher crystallinity, a sharp increase in T-g, an increase in interconnectivity, and an increase in the variability of structural units engaged in the relaxation motions were observed.

Rozsah stran

p. "16275-1"-"16275-19"



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Zdrojový dokument

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, volume 24, issue: 22

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Klíčová slova

indomethacin, structural relaxation, crystallinity, TNM model, indomethacin, strukturní relaxace, krystalinita, TNM model



