Evaluation of transit lines plan
ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublishedDatum publikování
Cenek, Juraj
Vedoucí práce
Název časopisu
Název svazku
Univerzita Pardubice
The plan of mass transport or transit lines is a vital part of an organisation of public transportation services. An optimisation of the plan can improve the service either by reducing the operational costs or by improving of service quality. Three subjects interact in the problem namely state or local administration, transport
companies and citizens. The plan optimisation should find the best compromise to satisfy interests of all actors. A relevant criterion must be defined to find the best solution. Calculating passenger criterion values must include model of passenger’s decision.
Rozsah stran
p. 14-22
1211-555X (Print)
1804-8048 (Online)
1804-8048 (Online)
Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam
Zdrojový dokument
Scientific papers of the University of Pardubice.
Series D, Faculty of Economics and Administration.
24 (2/2012)
Vydavatelská verze
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open access
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Umístění tištěné verze
Univerzitní knihovna (studovna)
Přístup k tištěné verzi
Klíčová slova
transportation planning, transit lines, costs criteria, service quality, optimization