Selective etching of spin-coated and thermally evaporated As30S45Se25 thin films
ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpostprintDatum publikování
Pálka, Karel
Šlang, Stanislav
Bůžek, Jan
Vlček, Miroslav
Vedoucí práce
Název časopisu
Název svazku
Chalcogenide glasses are intensively studied materials due to their interesting optical properties such as high values of refractive index, wide transparency in IR, photosensitivity, etc.We report on the comparison of photo and thermo-induced changes in optical properties and chemical resistance of thermally evaporated and spincoated As30S45Se25 thin films. Significantly different trends of photo-induced changes in chemical resistance in both types of thin films such as negative etching of thermally evaporated thin films and positive etching of spin-coated thin films were observed. The structural changes responsible for the observed phenomena were investigated as well.
Rozsah stran
p. 104-109
Trvalý odkaz na tento záznam
Zdrojový dokument
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, volume 447, issue: September 2016
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Klíčová slova
Chalcogenide glasses, Selective etching, Thin films, Chalkogenidová skla, selektivní leptání, tenké vrstvy