Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky / Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Stálý URI pro tuto komunituhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/3847
Práce obhájené před rokem 2008 jsou uloženy pouze v kolekci Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce
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Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpostprint Otevřený přístup Comparison of Geospatial Trajectory Clustering and Feature Trajectory Clustering for Public Transportation Trip Data(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023) Cogollos Adrian, Hector; Baruque Zanon, Bruno; Porras Alfonso, Santiago; Doležel, PetrOne of the techniques for the analysis of travel patterns on a public transport network is the clustering of the users movements, in order to identify movement patterns. This paper analyses and compares two different methodologies for public transport trajectory clustering: feature clustering and geospatial trajectory clustering. The results of clustering trip features, such as origin, destination, or distance, are compared against the clustering of travelled trajectories by their geospatial characteristics. Algorithms based on density and hierarchical clustering are compared for both methodologies. In geospatial clustering, different metrics to measure distances between trajectories are included in the comparison. Results are evaluated by analysing their quality through the silhouette coefficient and graphical representations of the clusters on the map. The results show that geospatial trajectory clustering offers better quality than feature trajectory clustering. Also, in the case of long and complete trajectories, density clustering using edit distance with real penalty distance outperforms other combinations.Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpostprint Otevřený přístup Multi-Scale Neural Model for Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan Model Parameter Extraction(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2023) Pakosta, Marek; Doležel, Petr; Svoboda, Roman; Baruque Zanon, BrunoGlass transitions are an important phenomenon in amor phous materials with potential for various applications. The Tool-Narayanaswamy-Moynihan (TNM) model is a widely used empirical model that describes the enthalpy relaxation behavior of these materials. However, determining the appropriate values for its parameters can be challeng ing. To address this issue, a multi-scale convolutional neural model is pro posed that can accurately predict the TNM parameters directly from the set of differential scanning calorimetry curves, experimentally measured using the sample of the considered amorphous material. The resulting Mean Absolute Error of the model over the test set is found to be 0.0252, indicating a high level of accuracy. Overall, the proposed neural model has the potential to become a valuable tool for practical application of the TNM model in the glass industry and related fields.Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpostprint (accepted version) Omezený přístup Classification of Polymers Based on the Degree of Their Transparency in SWIR Spectrum(Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2022) Štursa, Dominik; Kopecký, Dušan; Roleček, Jiří; Doležel, Petr; Baruque Zanon, BrunoDetection, classification and sorting of polymeric particles is a common task required in recycling industry. In the proposed work, an innovative method for detection of polymeric particles and their classification is introduced. The method is based on evaluation of images of polymeric particles, obtained from short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) camera, by convolutional neural network (CNN). Compared to conventionally used spectroscopes or hyper-spectral imaging, this method utilizes single wavelength (1 050 nm) and a degree of polymer transparency serves as the main descriptor. Five different polymers (ABS, ABS-T, Nylon, PETG, PLA) in form of regular blocks (size 15 × 15 × 0.3 mm) were used in the experiment. In total 203 images (size 288 × 288 px) were prepared for CNN training and 67 for testing. Scalable ASP U-Net was tested in 6 combinations and their outputs were compared. According to used intersection over union metrics over all outputs, the topology with 64 filters and depth of 3 exhibited the best results.Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpostprint (accepted version) Otevřený přístup Spectral Classification of Microplastics using Neural Networks: Pilot Feasibility Study(SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications, 2022) Doležel, Petr; Roleček, Jiří; Honc, Daniel; Štursa, Dominik; Baruque Zanon, BrunoMicroplastics, i.e. synthetic polymers that have particle size smaller than 5 mm, are emerging pollutants that are widespread in the environment. In order to monitor environmental pollution by microplastics, it is necessary to have available rapid screening techniques, which provide the accurate information about the quality (type of polymer) and quantity (amount). Spectroscopy is an indispensable method, if precise classification of individual polymers in microplastics is required. In order to contribute to the topic of autonomous spectra matching when using spectroscopy, we decided to demonstrate the quality and efficiency of neural networks. We adopted three neural network architectures, and we tested them for application to spectra matching. In order to keep our study transparent, we use publicly available dataset of FTIR spectra. Furthermore, we performed a deep statistical analysis of all the architectures performance and efficiency to show the suitability of neural networks for spectra matching. The results presented at the end of this article indicated the overall suitability of the selected neural network architectures for spectra matching in microplastics classification.