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Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/61749


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  • Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpublishedOmezený přístup
    Strech-Press Method. An innovative technique of injection and pressing of detached plasters
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2022) Wichterlová, Zuzana; Vojtěchovský, Jan
    Many Renaissance sgraffito facades in the Czech Republic were uncovered and rediscovered during the last century. After removal of the secondary layers, the main problem appeared to be the condition of the original plasters, namely their poor adhesion, often connected with bad cohesion of the first coat. In the past, restorers used different approaches to that but over time, most of the steps proved to be unsuccessful or even destroying for the original plaster. Since 1997, we have restored many sgraffito facades. On all of them, we have dealt with similar problems of detached plasters connected with unsuitable or insufficient interventions of previous restorers. We had to search for some new approaches for in-depth consolidation of plasters, filling of gaps with a grouting material and pressing the plaster back to the wall. In the contribution, an innovative technique of pressing of detached plasters during injection (“Stretch-Press Method”) is described.
  • Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpublished versionOmezený přístup
    An overall examination of the portrait of Maria Theresa from the collection of Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou Chateau
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2020) Machačko, Luboš; Háková, Jana
    The important collection of baroque portraits, the so called Questenberg collection, at Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou Chateau in the Czech Republic is subject to conservation as well as a complex scientific investigation includ- ing a detailed material analysis. The portrait of Maria Theresa, one of many versions of Martin van Meytens’ portrait of the Holy Roman Empress Ma- ria Theresa, which was proliferated relatively soon after her father’s death, was one of the first paintings to be examined in detail and then restored. The condition of the painting, extent of damage, painting technique and type of materials used were identified by non-invasive (visible light – diffused/sharp oblique/translucent – photography, ultraviolet induced flu- orescence photography, infrared reflectography, X-ray radiography, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy) and invasive techniques (optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy). Considerable changes to the composition during the execution of the por- trait was one of the most interesting findings as well as the identification of greasy tempera as a part of the painting technique, and identification of cotton fibres in the canvas. All of the above and much more recent infor- mation about the painting examined can be found in the following article.
  • KnihapublishedOtevřený přístup
    Konzervace litavských vápenců s využitím prostředků na bázi nanočástic hydroxidu vápenatého: výsledky studií použití vápenných nanomateriálů pro konzervaci historických sochařských a architektonických děl z litavských vápenců v České republice a v Rakousku
    (Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky AV ČR, 2016) Akademie věd ČR. Ústav teoretické a aplikované mechaniky; Slížková, Zuzana; Bayer, Karol; Weber, Johannes
    Kniha předkládá informace o různých typech litavských vápenců se zaměřením na moderní postupy konzervace soch a architektonických prvků vytesaných z těchto hornin. Jsou uvedeny nejdůležitější diagnostické metody využívané pro vyšetření materiálových vlastností kamene před plánovaným konzervačním zásahem a na čtyřech příkladech památkových objektů z litavských vápenců je dokumentován praktický postup konzervace degradovaného kamene pomocí konzervačních prostředků na bázi vápenných nanočástic. Prezentované konzervační postupy jsou příspěvkem k udržitelné péči o kulturní dědictví v přeshraničním regionu Rakousko-Česká republika a jsou výsledkem společného výzkumu českých a rakouských vědců a restaurátorů, kteří se zabývají metodami konzervace památkových objektů z litavských vápenců v příhraničních regionech České republiky a Rakouska.
  • Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpostprintOtevřený přístup
    A few notes on research and restoration works carried out at the Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice within the frame of the EU project STONECORE
    (State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, 2011) Machačko, Luboš; Kolinkeová, Blanka; Macounová, Dana; Bayer, Karol
    A Few Notes on Research and Restoration Works Carried out at the University of Pardubice within the Frame of the EU Project STONECORE. The Faculty of Restoration, University of Pardubice as one of the partners of the EU project STONECORE (the 7th framework programme) focused in the course of the project on research into the consolidation of calcareous materials by means of a nanosol of calcium hydroxide. The research was aimed mainly at the optimisation of the behaviour of nanosol-based consolidants. This was achieved through on-site application, trials to explore the possibilities and limits of consolidation, the evaluation of the strengthening effect of different agents and the selection of the optimal way to apply them on real historic monuments under real conditions. After several months of laboratory research two historic objects were chosen for final testing. A concept for consolidation as well as the whole restoration of each monument was devised on the basis of this previous examination and testing. Both historic objects were restored according to these concepts during the first half of 2011.