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Quality of Life in Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy

Konferenční objektpeer-reviewedpostprint


Introduction: When a child with disability, especially with cerebral palsy, is born into a family, there is a significant burden on the parents that directly impacts their quality of life. We believe the quality of life of a family with a child with cerebral palsy deserves research attention. Aim: Therefore, in 2018 we carried out research aimed at examining the quality of life in parents of children with cerebral palsy. Method: The research used a validated tool of a quantitative research strategy – a standardized QOL questionnaire, Family Quality of Life Scale – known as “FQOL”. The research sample consisted of parents with children with cerebral palsy. The total size of the sample was 98 respondents, 12 fathers (12.2%) and 86 mothers (87.8%). Results: Average score by the respondents reached 94.0918 points, indicating higher quality of life in respondents than presumed. Further investigation revealed lower quality of life of respondents in five statements (items 3, 9, 13, 15). The research further examined statistically significant differences in quality of life in respondents depending on the researched socio-demographic indicators. Age-related statistically significant differences in quality of life were confirmed for the researched categories (t = -2.341, p = 0.021), family status (F = 3.476, p = 0.019) and region (χ2 = 15.39, p =0 .031). Statistically significant correlation was identified between quality of life in respondents and the age of their child with cerebral palsy (0.288, p = 0.004). Conclusion: In spite of a relatively high score pointing at a higher level of experienced quality of life of the respondents, the research pointed to two areas of life where the parents of children with cerebral palsy experienced a lower level of quality of life, area of support and leisure-time activities of the parents.

Rozsah stran

p. 53 - 61


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Zdrojový dokument

5th International Conference Quality and Its Perspectives

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open access

Název akce

5th International Conference Quality and Its Perspectives, with the subtitle: Multidisciplinary Approach to Patient Care (April 18, 2018)



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Klíčová slova

cerebral palsy, informal care givers, parents, quality of life



