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Aktuální otázky sociální politiky 2013/2 – teorie a praxe

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/54150


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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Sociálne súvislosti globalizácie: globalizácia ako postmoderná ambivalencia
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Vojtech, František
    The introduction states when people can cope with global challenges and how they must change their attitude and behavior. This article analyzes the history of globalization, namely what signs of globalization can we see in the writings of philosophers. The second chapter deals with the concept of trust, which in fact has become one of the central challenges of our time and definitely not by coincidence. Causes of interest in this topic are likely to be included in the following phenomena that characterize much of our times, even more than the previous epoch. In the next chapter we can see that if postmodern thinking in many ways do not reflect the real state of affairs and the actual state of mind of late-modern, globalized man. Part of the article deals with ambivalence, which means the ability of the human intellect (available emotional or attitudinal orientation) attribute to the same phenomenon (the fact, the process) both positive and negative, positive or negative review. In conclusion, the article evaluates and generalizes the consequences of globalization.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Ústavní péče v ČR: předpoklad nebo překážka úspěšné integrace mladých lidí do společnosti?
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Štanclová, Tereza; Kotrusová, Miriam
    Main purpose of this article is to find out how is situation of young people leaving residential care institutions and trying to integrate to a usual life after reaching adultery. Using personal interviews with the young people (present clients of residential care, former clients, employees of the caring institutions) we try to answer questions how these young people are prepared for a normal life in a society and what are main barriers they have to overcome in order to start a new life without institutional help. Our findings confirm that present system of social services is not effective enough in an effort to help the young people with their integration. We conclude that transformation of the Czech residential care of children from pathological families is inevitable in order to overcome such obstacles as missing emotional help from their biological families and friends, low level of economic independency resulting from low qualification and problems to find a job and an accommodation.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Návrat dětí z ústavní péče do rodiny v kontextu současných změn v systému péče o ohrožené děti
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Sychrová, Adriana
    The purpose of the article discusses reunification of children from institutional care to their birth families within the context of actual transformation of child protection system. Reunification is the process of reintegration of vulnerable child placed „out of home“ to his or her family, if it is the best interest of the child. Reunification of children placed in institutions should be a primary goal of the system because of a preference for the role of parents in the law, especially in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The article is based on the analysis of documents of international organizations dealing with the protection of children's rights, international studies and program policy documents. The topic of reunification can be viewed from different perspectives, such as law and its influence on social policy and the practices of social work, the part of deinstitutionalization process or the decision making process. The main question is about interest of parents to care for their child. Social workers have to know characteristic of the family and the child. Then the reunification can start effectively. The family, child, specialists from institutions and social workers should participate on the process in more detail. In the conclusion of the paper the author tries to show principles and central values on which the successful process of reunification should be focused. She highlightes holistic view and complex assessment of family and safe family environment, the principle of partnership with family, the working with individual plan for child, the support of new family services, the performing sufficient preparation of the child, the family and the social environment before reuenification, intensive social services for family after returning home and finally the need for research on the process of reunification from the perspective of the child, parents and the professionals.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Kvalita života osob s demencí v domácí a institucionální péči
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Skálová, Anna
    The research deals with the quality of life of people having dementia who stay at home or in social institutions care. The objective of the research is to find out the current status of how people having dementia live, under which social and economic conditions they live, to find out the extent of their personal satisfaction with the conditions, and to compare the options, whether to stay at home or in social institutions. A combination of research methods was used in investigation: case reports, semi-structured interview, observation and a couple of standardised question-forms: (Q-LES-Q, MMSE, ADL, IADL, Geriatric Depression Scale, Hachinski Ischaemic Score). Eleven patients took part in this research. Five people who suffered from dementia lived in their own homes and six of them lived in social institutions. Output of the research was focused on the quality of life of people suffering from any type of dementia. The results of the assessment show that elderly people are afraid of leaving their homes to live in retirement homes or in similar institutions but that they usually adapt themselves very well to the new conditions there. At the end they are satisfied there because they often lived under unsuitable conditions at their homes or they did not want to trouble other family members. Sometimes patients live in really bad conditions at home, e.g. they have experienced some form of maltreatment and surprisingly they are still satisfied at home and they are afraid of leaving it. This implies that there is no difference between contented patients with dementia at home or in social institutions. What is important is the fact, what patients themselves expect from their life, what they prefer.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Dôchodkové zabezpečenie v sociálnom systéme spoločností
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Rievajová, Eva
    Special attention in all European countries is given to issues of social security of persons in retirement age. Pension systems represent the basic part of the social model of each country which reached a certain level of development. Thus pension systems have a great impact on living standards of large part of population and hence its consumption and have a large impact on functioning of the whole economy of a nation state. A serious problem at present is to achieve a balance between contributions to pension system and entitlements provided to citizens of retirement age, the ratio between the number of employed in the economy and the number of beneficiaries. Setting up and functioning of the pension system depends on many factors, besides demographic trends it is also the development of economy and state of public finances. Therefore, they are going through an ongoing process of reforms adapting economic, social and political situation in each particular country. The aim of this paper is to characterize the social security from the perspective of various approaches to this issue with an emphasis on pension provision as the most discussed and costliest part of the social insurance system and social security schemes of a society. It also pointed out the basic problems of the current pension scheme worldwide and approaches to its modernization.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Využití vybraných terapií v dětských domovech pro děti do 3 let věku
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Peřinová, Kateřina
    The report is focused on children´s homes for children with serious health and social problems. There are 33 these organisations in the Czech Republic. It is well known, that children living in these institutions from neonatal age, suffer lack of incentives. This fact has great influence to personality development. Therapies could help them to obtain more social contacts and experience with another environment. Scientific aim was to find out, if these institutions use special therapy to support children´s psychomotor development. The questionnaire was used for the research. The main result was found out if children´s homes use therapies.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Paliativní péče o lidi s handicapem
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Macková, Marie
    Palliative care has experienced great development in recent years. Professional societies are putting pressure on governments to palliative care has become one of the human rights. Needs of patient with physical, mental or intellectual disabilities or patients with several diseases are traditionaly overlooked in palliative care and their needs at the end-of-life are underestimated. In this paper we focus on this particular group of patients and point out that the concept of palliative care can be used in all patients, redardless of their condition or age.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Etika v souvislostech sociální a zdravotní politiky
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Liedermanová, Ivana
    Today modern society pays great attention to the development of ethical guidelines for each profession and their implementation in the form of codes of ethics to individual policies. In particular, the Ministry of Health and Welfare is faced in meeting the ethical codes of the current economic and political developments in society. Optimization of standards for health and social care that are implemented through normative no systematic evaluation of the impact on each target group significantly reduces their quality of life. The paper draws attention to the dilemmas of social work and health care in relation to ethics.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Kvalitativní výzkum o procesu zprostředkování náhradní rodinné péče: požadavky kladené na náhradní rodiče
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Kozáková, Aneta
    Substitute Family Care is an institute for children when their parents, for whatever reason, are unable to care for the children themselves. This paper is concerned with substitute family care in the Czech Republic. The paper is specifically aimed at the process of mediating of the substitute family care. A social worker, in the process of mediating of the substitute family care, has a key role, nevertheless, the social worker co-operatives with other people involved, such as psychologists and medical examiners. People involved are abided by the law, different methodologies and recommendations, but even so they are highly benevolent when assessing claimant for substitute family care. The research problem is described in the introduction. The term of substitute family care is explained and the process of mediating of the substitute family care is described there. The issues of who else is interested in this process and what requirements are imposed on a claimant for substitute family care, are also described and explained in this chapter. Research methodology is described subsequently. The aim of the research is to describe how people involved in the process of mediating of the alternative family care perceive and interpret the requests asked of the claimant. The main and sub research questions are based on the aim of the research. Qualitative research strategy is applied and field research, as a type of research, is selected by Miovský. In the last part of the paper the interesting findings from the carried out research are interpreted and discussed. The very process of mediating of the substitute family care in the Moravian-Silesian Region is described. The attitude of the people involved towards the requirements imposed on substitute parents is also described. Sub-questions are answered in the end.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Problematika péče o pacienty se syndromem demence
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Jedlinská, Martina; Taliánová, Magda; Kalusová, Lenka
    This article aims to acquaint the reader with the characteristics and problems of care for patients with dementia and options selected inpatient care for these patients in the Pardubice region. The theoretical part provides an overview of the issue of care for patients with dementia or dementia. The empirical part focuses on the description of selected characteristics of clients in the health-care facility, which is an example of good practice care for the elderly. In these age group is the greatest prevalence of dementia and syndrom of dementia as diagnosed disease. The discussion paper presents a reflection on the possible reasons for placing these clients in various types of inpatient facilities after discharge from aftercare and the circumstances of care for these clients.