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2013/26 Scientific papers, Series D

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/49514


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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Chemical industry supply chain optimisation using agent-based modelling
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Škvor, Jan; Dyntar, Jakub
    In this paper we present an application of Supply Chain Spread Sheet Simulator (SCSS) in a task dealing with chemical industry supply chain redesign and optimisation. SCSS uses principles of Agent-Based Modelling combining 4 types of agents with 3 algorithms to control their behaviour. Location Algorithm is used to place the logistics objects satisfying the demand of customers, Clarke&Wright's Savings Algorithm is applied to plan the routes and Past Stock Movement Simulation is used to control the stock levels. SCSS is developed in MS Excel using programming language Visual Basic for Applications. Its basic functionality is discussed simulating a real task dealing with the redesign of the distribution system for goods coming from chemical industry in the Czech Republic. We test 6 different structures of the distribution system differing in number of located logistics objects ranging from 1 to 6. Based on the outputs of SCSS recalculated to distribution costs we suggest decreasing the number of located warehouses from 6 to 1 estimating almost 33 % distribution costs savings per year.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Cestovní ruch a ochrana přírody na Neziderském jezeře porovnání rakouského a maďarského přístupu
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Šilhánková, Vladimíra; Pondělíček, Michael
    The paper is focused on description and comparison of attitude on the edge between nature protection and tourism development in the area of former “iron curtain” between Austria and Hungary – at the Nesider Lake. The paper assesses nature protection system in the UNESCO and NATURE 2000 area as well as condition for tourism development on the both part of the border and compare them. Important source for paper preparation are direct observation in the Nesider Lake territory of authors and students of Regional Development studies realized during terrain excursion in the term from 15th till 20th April 2012.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Marketing management of a successful e-business
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Svatošová, Veronika
    Marketing management occupies an increasingly important position in the business world, as well as in the sphere of electronic commerce. Some participants, however, underestimate the importance of this marketing support, which may be one of the major causes of the failure and inability of some companies operating on the Internet to grow. The aim of this paper is to develop an effective marketing management process model, which can significantly contribute to the increased competitiveness of companies operating on the Internet. The validity of this model is then applied on a Czech e-shop, which has long been one of the leaders of the Czech Internet market. To achieve the objective of this paper the current situation will be analysed, and synthesis of the findings from research literature as well as modelling using the methods of abstraction and specification will be performed. This article is focused on Czech Internet market. Results of the survey (case study) will be used for further research in the field of e-business.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Využití Lee-Carterova modelu pro predikci střední délky života
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Slavíček, Ondřej; Jindrová, Pavla
    The ageing of the population is a problem of many European countries including the Czech Republic. This problem is related to two main factors, the increase of life expectancy and the decline of birth rate. Here, attention is given to the first factor. For the purposes of this article, Lee-Carter model, which is one of the models used for modelling of mortality, was chosen. The article details the calculation method of the Lee-Carter method coefficients and then makes an estimate of their values for the real data from the mortality tables of the Czech Republic from the years 1950-2009. This makes it possible to predict the development of specific mortality rates and consequently also the development of life expectancy. A prediction of life expectancy for men and women in the Czech Republic for the period 2010-2029 is also made in this article, 95% prediction interval for this period is determined, and already known life expectancy values are compared with the predicted values.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Analysis of the causes of the low number of IPOs at Prague stock exchange compared to Polish stock exchange
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Sejkora, František
    One of many possibilities how to gain new resources for the economic development of the company is initial public offering (IPO). The initial public offerings help to strengthen the importance of the capital market and consequently also the economic development of a particular country. One of the most dynamic markets as regards the number of IPOs is considered to be the Polish capital market. The aim of the article is to determine general factors influencing the decision of the issuer to place its issue at a particular market, and then these factors will be applied to the Prague Stock Exchange and Warsaw Stock Exchange and we will analyse the reasons of the difference in the number of the IPOs performed.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Datové schránky ve veřejné správě
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Růžičková, Eva Daniela
    Data boxes are currently a very popular discussion topic and this especially considering the communications between public administration and the private sector being done through them. Due to the fact that the data boxes have been introduced recently and that legislation allows exceptions for their use, a number of challenging issues arise in this respect and obstacles to reach the principal goal for which the data boxes have been introduced. Not only exceptions in the legislation but as well the low level of knowledge in this field, on the part of the public-at-large as well as the users of data boxes themselves, leads to a erroneous manipulation with data messages and thus creates difficulties which can have dramatic consequences. The purpose of this article is to provide a broad overview about data boxes with an emphasis on related problems, especially in the field of public administration and to suggest possible solutions.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Využití vícerozměrných statistických metod pro hodnocení regionálních rozdílů zemí Visegrádské čtyřky
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Poledníková, Eva; Melecký, Lukáš
    Measurement and evaluation of regional differences (disparities) is associated with the lack of integrated approach and methodology at national or regional level. The paper aims to introduce two selected multivariate statistical methods (factor analysis, cluster analysis) as a possible and convenient tool for regional differences analysis and evaluation. The main goal of the paper is to evaluate and compare regional differences at NUTS 2 level in the Visegrad Four countries on the basis of selected regional indicators in the case of the year 2010 using factor analysis and cluster analysis. Theoretical part of the paper defines, at first, the concept of regional disparities in the context of European Union´s approach and deals with quantitative methods used for regional disparities evaluation. Subsequently, in the empirical part, the paper uses the factor analysis for identification of main factors of regional differences. The final evaluation and comparison of different socio-economic position between Visegrad Four NUTS 2 regions in the year 2010, results from cluster analysis that classifies the regions to homogeneous units (clusters) according to the factor similarity.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Predikce cen zemního plynu v závislosti na jeho zásobách
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Polách, Jiří; Virglerová, Zuzana
    Natural gas as well as oil is the key energy resources in the world. This fuel is one of the exhaustible and non-renewable energy sources. The fact is that someday it will come to its exhaustion. Declining offer probably will cause the increasing gas prices. The aim of this paper is to predict possible further development of the price of natural gas according to its historical development stocks. The partial aim is to determine the degree of dependence of natural gas prices on its stocks. Firstly, the analyzed gas extraction by using the SWOT analysis and the analysis of supply and demand for gas are realized. On the supply side, the states with the largest reserves of natural gas are defined. On the demand side, the biggest consumers of natural gas are identified. The dependence between two quantitative variables (the average price of natural gas and proven reserves of gas in each year since 1984) is further investigated by using correlation analysis. The price determined on the basis of historical development of the above variables is predicted by using polynomials. In conclusion, the comparison of results with analyzes of renowned institutions is accomplished.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Technology payment cards communication with banking institutions in the field of cashless payment
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Němcová, Zuzana; Dvořák, Jiří
    The aim is now used to describe the infrastructure of payment cards, ATMs, now used to describe the infrastructure of payment systems, mainly the payment cards and NFC technology and secure payment throw the internet. In this article, we examine a new technology application which is coming into its own around the world, in association with the revolution in wireless connectivity. Our findings are intended to guide in dealing with the economic aspects of mobile payments, and to help identify some important directions for the research.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Kvalita výkonu veřejné správy je bezprostředně spjata s problematikou etiky ve veřejné správě
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2013) Nečadová, Věra
    When discussing the quality of public administration performance, it is necessary to comprehend its direct relation to the issues of ethics in the sphere of public administration. Public administration performance consists in the service for citizens. The general principles and value criteria in public administration performance are law observance, work quality, efficiency and ethics (special attention is particularly paid to the observance of objectivity and equal approach). Other fundamental principles are information transparency, being not susceptible to influence, incorruptibility and integrity. The employees should also take a keen interest in keeping the good reputation of the office where they work. If we manage, in a suitable manner, to combine the aspects presented above with the modern methods and approaches of public administration management, with high-quality education of public administration employees, with sensible management of regional development in dynamically changing conditions, and with effective application of information and communication technologies, then there is a precondition for achieving higher efficiency of public administration performance.