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2006/12 Scientific papers, Series B

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38183


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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Model of parallel planning of logistic and distribution processes
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Babić, Darko; Ćavar, Ivana; Průša, Petr
    The logistic activities represent an optimized response to the globalization processes, and the companies involved in such activities, with optimal planning of the logistic and distribution processes, realize higher profit and more stable position on the world market. Therefore, it is necessary to define the logistic and distribution processes, their elements and interrelations, effects, as well as planning process methods, and all this in order to optimize the operation of logistic operators. Logistic-distribution processes are very complex, i.e. they consist of a multitude of details that occur in reality, but cannot influence the planning. Precisely therefore it is necessary to solve the real problems by simplified copies of these problems, the so-called models, as the basis for making a plan. The presentation of the real problem, the simplest possible but with all the necessary details and not ignoring several serious real factors, is called modelling (“art of model creation”). The basic aim of planning the logistic and distribution processes is to achieve the uniformity and consistency i.e. continuity of the goods flows and the best possible usage of the traffic infrastructure and the transport means. Precisely this is of vital importance for the rational realization of the logistic functions, since good exploitation per time and capacity is the basic precondition for reducing the fixed costs which are, as is well known, extremely high in transport. Based on this it is obvious that planning of logistic and distribution processes has to be performed at the level of the entire system, and that it is necessary also to carry out separate planning of elements of the logistic and distribution systems, taking into consideration their interwoven condition, with the aim of creating optimal logistic processes.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Possibilities of development of air transport infrastructure in Poland - the EU's new financial perspective 2007-2013
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Marciszewska, Elżbieta
    Sources of Funds for the Development of Air Transport Infrastructure in Poland in the EU’s new Financial Perspective 2007-2013 The paper shows the possibilities of financing the development of the air transport infrastructure within the new financial perspectives 2007-2013 of the EU. Investment needs in the air transport sector were shown in the context of market development in Poland. European funds on investments in the air transport sector and related with access to the airports were discussed. Possibilities of using EU funds in private-public partnership were shown, especially on the basis of so called hybrid model of financing an investment in airport and airport-related infrastructure, which consists on simultaneous use of EU funds, private capital and domestic public means.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    New methods proposal for VoIP transmission
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Bachratá, Katarína; Boroň, Juraj; Rosival, Boris
    For speech transmission is important to make conversion of analog speech signal to digital form. Signal conversion in classic and IP telephony uses Shannon basis decomposition. The Shannon basis used to be the best for speech signal conversion. The reason was, that the computing of the coeficients is very simple, because they are equal to samples of the original signal. In this paper are included teoretical results for new possibilities of transmission voice over IP using different basis. Their advantages rests in better reconstruction of the original signal also in case if we loose some of the data during the transmission(or they aren’t delivered on time and waiting for them will cause degradation of received signal). The dependance between quality of reconstructed signal and percentage of lost packets is estimated by signal to noise ratio SNR. In this paper are described results of simulation for SNR estimation in case of specific choice of generating basis function.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Extending annotational SSML into structural content for speech synthesizer
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Klimo, Martin; Mihálik, Igor
    This paper describes a way of extending standard SSML language that is primary used for annotating input text into fully structural content used internally for speech synthesis. It explains approach used for processing such SSML input using rule based engines technology and implicit invocation. For reasoning in implicit invocation a formal language had to be created. This formalism is also shortly described in this paper.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Modelling of transport process by unary code
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Klimo, Martin; Uramová, Jana
    Analogy of random intervals between two transport units and words of unary binary code is analyzed. This way, article is pointing to questions, which are common for transport theory and theory of information, which allows usage of theory of information results in tranport. These are not only questions of quantification of assortness (entrophy) of transport stream, but also better specification of term capacity of transport system. Properties of random intervals with maximum entropy under minimum length are presented.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Bainitic steels for track structure application in the Czech Republic and worldwide
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Hlavatý, Ivo; Sigmund, Marián; Haluzíková, Kateřina; Hlavatý, Jiří
    Actual trends of worldwide railway transport development are characterized by increasing speed and growth of railway’s axels load. One of many applications for bainitic steel is in railway transport for highly strength and wear resistant rails. Rail steel must be designed to be able to resist plastic deformation, wear, rolling contact fatigue, bending stress and thermal stress during rail welding process and rails resurfacing. It is sensible from the bainitic steels (in the paper) given above that with preservation of bainitic matrix it is possible to achieve wide range of mechanical features. Their values are the main advantage from rails running load point of view. Wear of the top of the rail parts from bainitic materials is lower than parts made from classical pearlitic steels. The same reason leads to their extended running life. The rails welding where it is necessary to achieve values at least comparable with features of basic material is also connected with mechanical features.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Methods for proposal of QoS parameters in data networks
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Kaloč, Roman; Klimo, Martin
    This document describes technologies that enable Network Service Providers to offer tighter Service Level Agreements for data networks, in order to create competitive advantage and better serve their customers. The SLA parameters that need to be tightened will be defined and then the tools that should be considered are described, together with the decision criteria on where each technology should be used. The final work will be based upon current best practise and will include results from both lab testing and deployment experience later on.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Verkehrsverbünde und Grundsätze der Finanzierung im öffentlichen Verkehr in Österreich
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Chmelař, Martin; Melichar, Vlastimil
    Ein gut funktionierender Personennah- und Regionalverkehr ist unter verschiedensten gesellschaftlichen Aspekten ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil einer Daseinsvorsorge. Um den Anforderungen eines gut funktionierenden Systems zu entsprechen und damit verbunden die Benützung von öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln für die Fahrgäste zu erleichtern, wurden neue Kooperationsformen im öffentlichen Verkehr eingeführt. Analog der Zielvorgabe des sog. Hamburgervertrages aus dem Jahre 1965 (eine Fahrkarte und ein Fahrplan für ganz Hamburg) wollte man auch in Österreich ein solches Modell schaffen. Erst am 3. Juni 1984 wurde der Verkehrsverbund Ost-Region (VOR) in Betrieb genommen. Die Entwicklung war nachher sehr schnell und der letzte Verkehrsverbund ist im Jahre 1997 entstanden (Bundesland Steiermark). Die Einführung der Verkehrsverbünde in Österreich ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil für die positive Entwicklung im Verkehr. Derzeit so eine wird von verschiedenen Seiten der Ausbau oder mindestens die Aufrechterhaltung von Verkehrsdienstleistungen im Rahmen der Verkehrsverbünde gefordert, was aufgrund der damit verbundenen Kosten nicht immer möglich ist. In einem Lenkungsausschuss sind die geldgebenden Gebietskörperschaften (Bund, Länder, Gemeinde) vertreten und die Aufgaben des Lenkungsausschusses sind in einer Geschäftsordnung geregelt. Die wichtigsten Aufgaben sind die Formulierung der allgemeinen und politischen Vorgaben für die Verkehrsverbünde sowie die Klärung der Finanzierung von Verbundmaβnahmen. Das Bundesgesetz über die Ordnung des ÖPNRV legt die organisatorischen und finanziellen Grundlagen für den Betrieb des ÖPNVR fest. Dieses Gesetz ist nach intensiven Verhandlungen mit den Bundesländern, den Gemeinden und den Verkehrsunternehmen im Juli 1999 durch den Nationalrat entstanden, umfasst Begriffsbestimmungen, Anwendungsbereich, Aufgaben für den Schienenpersonenverkehr und für den Kraftfahrlinienverkehr, Nah- und Regionalverkehrsplanung, Aufgaben der Verkehrsvebünde, Vermeidung von Parallelverkehren und Verknüpfungsverbesserung, Finanzierung, Einbeziehung der Ermässigungen für Schüler und Lehrlinge, Qualitätskriterien, usw. Wichtige Begriffe zur Finanzierung im öffentlichen Verkehr sind der Durchtarifierungsverlust und der Abtarifierungsverlust, vor allem zur Organisierung und zur Benützung eines Haltestellengruppenmodels oder eines Zonenmodels. Weiters behandelt dieser Artikel den VOR, der einfach gestaltet und an den Fahrgaströmen ausgerichtet ist. Rund um die Kerzone Wien (Zone 100) und kreissementförmig die Auβenzonen angeordnet. Gemäβ Gesellschaftsvertrag sind die Mitarbeiter mit Planungs-, Koordinations- und Durchführungsaufgaben betraut. Um den Leistungsstandard zu überprüfen, werden jährlich mehr als 10 000 Fahrgäste nach ihrer Zufriedenheit mit dem Angebot im Regional-busbereich befragt. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse können Nachteile rasch erkannt und Gegenmaβnahmen entwickelt werden. Die besten Betreiber werden prämiert. Sämtliche Verbundeinahmen werden beim VOR gebündelt und gemäβ Einnahmenaufteilungsvertrag an die Verkehrsunternehmen verteilt. Der VOR tritt auch als Leistungsbesteller auf, wobei ein Kilometerentgelt auf Basis der Alteinnahmen bezahlt wird. Die Erlöse verbleiben bei der Gesellschaft. Darüber hinaus werden viele weitere finanzielle Transaktionen über die Gesellschaft abgewickelt, wie z.B. Verrechnung der Schülerkarten. Zum Schluss gibt es einige Informationen über VOR aus dem Zahlenspiegel 2005, wie eine Tabelle des Durchtarifierungsverlustes und der Beförderten Personen, sowie ein Graph der Platzkilometerleistungen und der Beförderungseinnahmen.
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Logistics continuous improvement system
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Průša, Petr; Tilkeridis, David
    The implementation of a complete Supplier Logistics Performance System is essential to support internal processes efficiency and establish a continuous improvement system according to the main logistics policy. If it concerns Suppliers, the implementation requires a high involvement of all internal actors and must also be considered as a change management issue. To obtain the reliability from Suppliers, 2 values are essential: • CONSISTENCE: of the logistics agreement, of the procurement practises, of • the means to animate, of the indicators measured • PARTNERSHIP: in order to evaluate we must be ready to be contested and • be able to improve also the internal organization
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    ČlánekOtevřený přístuppeer-reviewedpublished
    Social aspect in road transport
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2007) Kampf, Rudolf; Drahotský, Ivo; Morkus, Jaroslav
    The article studies the social aspects which can occur in the sector of road transport. The road transport is a sector with a fast progression and flexibility; however it does not have quite set up social conditions for workers in this domain. The social aspects exist in any kind of transport. There are many examples of strikes, including railmen, airline pilots, sailors, etc. Seriousness of this problem depends on many factors (financial situation in the sector, government social policy and help, severity of regulations, unemployment, structure in the sector (concentration of companies), competitive and work conditions. It is hard to say if social aspects in road transport are worse than in other kinds of transport, nevertheless the number of workers connected with road transport calls appeal for analysis of this problem from the point of view of social policy. In the Czech Republic there were in the last ten years the important changes of mobility in passenger and freight transport. The mentioned changes concerns all the relevant transport fields and first of all road and railway transport. The development of individual passenger transportation and the preference of road transport within goods transportation remain also nowadays. The enlargement of European Union influenced significantly the changes of modal split in transportation work and the Czech Republic became a member state. The alone integration of the Czech Republic into European structures we must evaluate definite positive, but in the field of transportation this step brings a lot of connected problems.