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5th International Scientific Conference „Theoretical and Practical Issues in Transport“

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38082

International Scientific Conference "Theoretical and Practical Issues in Transport" is organized in the three-year cycle by the Jan Perner Transport Faculty. The conference objective is to introduce the new trends of scientific knowledge in transport and the options for their effective application, and to reflect the requirements of practice in Bachelor and Master study programs in the field of transport to the scientific and professional public. The conference aspires to contribute to the definition and possibilities to apply new scientific findings in transport management, operational and information technology, infrastructure and electronics, transport means and reliability. Sharing the views and knowledge among the professionals, managers and scientists will contribute to the formulation of new research tasks in transport and in the field-related education.

Conference webpage: http://isc.upce.cz/


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    The choice of the appropriate structure of the control system with respect to the required availability and safety
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Ždánsky, Juraj; Hrbček, Jozef
    Nowadays, the programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are often in the role of control systems. They are used primarily for control of technological processes, but the exception is neither the utilization in transport. As an example can be mentioned systems of rail safety technique: system MODEST from the company 1Signální, ELEKSA system from Siemens, the system SPA 4 from Bombardier Corporate. The PLC producers continually improve their properties. The aim of the producers is to extend their application possibilities. Therefore there can be found in the offers of PLC producers PLC with attribute fail-safe, eventually fault-tolerant. PLCs are modular systems, so their availability and safety depends on the chosen structure of control system. The choice of structure is appropriate to base on the modeling of monitored properties. Another reason to create a suitable model, eventually models, is that the certificate of producer about reached level of safety PLC says nothing about the application of PLC. The correct model must also take into account the application individualities (e.g. the way of sensors connecting, actuators, etc.). The article compares the availability and safety of various structures of control systems based on PLC on the ground of created models.
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    The application of fuzzy logic to a simulation of railway station
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Záhorová, Věra
    This article is a contribution to investigation concerning development of a simulation model of a passenger railway-station. Concretely to a part of this research, which is related to a problem, how to simulate a choice of a platform line to a delayed train. Potentiality of different methods of a computational intelligence to this task handling was reviewed. Although another method – an evaluation of options – was used for construction of simulation model [3], an applicable result was obtained also using fuzzy controller. An idea of fuzzy inference and of fuzzy system structure is described in this paper at some length. Following part is especially focused on a way how to create a fuzzy rules base. Last part of paper shows some results obtained in the process of creation of a Mamdani fuzzy logic controller and in the course of verification of its ability to choose a line to a delayed train correctly.
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    Measuring and valuing travel time reliability – an example for hard shoulder operation
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Vuren, Tom
    Most transport infrastructure investments aim to reduce average travel times and their appraisal depends to a large extent on travel time savings and their value. There is an increasing recognition that in addition to average travel times, their reliability affects travelers’ choices and their valuation. However, the representation of travel time variability in network models, and hence our ability to forecast future impacts on reliability, has been limited. New data sources have enabled us to establish relationships between readily measurable characteristics and travel time variability. This now allows us to incorporate reliability in project appraisal, using standard economic cost-benefit techniques. The paper illustrates the method with an example of hard shoulder operations on Motorways around Birmingham in England.
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    Municipal waste components and their collection by computer support
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Volek, Josef
    Growing volumes of different waste types produced by industrial companies represent a serious threat for the environment. Unthoughtful waste liquidation by means of dumping results to massive valuable resources wasting on one hand and in environment pollution by greenhouse gases emissions into the air, endangering underground water by extract liquid seepage and soil contamination by heavy metals on the other. The only possible method of a sustainable development is a consistent separation of reusable materials contained in waste and their consequent recycling, separation of combustible waste by means of environment-friendly technologies, by separation of bio-degradable materials suitable for composting with a consequent return into natural nutriment cycle, and last but not least, by separation of hazardous waste components and their ecological /liquidation/use. The article focuses on the options of operational research methods in combustible waste management, handling separated bio-degradable municipal waste components and hazardous waste management in the Pardubice Region. This research is funded by the Research Project Theory of Transportation Systems MSM 0021627505.
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    Economic means of the support cycle transport and possibilities of financing for the cycling
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Vohnická, Pavla
    Motor transport brings in the community the succession of the adverse effects as the externalities consequently it is undesirable to ignore the contemporary trend of uncontrolled motor transport increase but it is demanded to give support to all possibilities which bring on the contrary sustainable growth of the motor transport, also belonging to the cycle transport support. In present time there is the modern trend in this domain the build-up and extend the quality safety and functional cycle paths and routes which should contribute to support at the progressive cycle transport intensity increase. The evident key question of the next cycle transport development is sufficient financial means for the build-up of cycle paths and cycle routes. Classical home sources are public and regional budgets though limited and mostly are not managing financing all costs. But they are acceptable as one of several financial services. The most notable home source is the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure which provides a year considerable finance means for the build-up of cycle paths and cycle routes. In 2009 SFTI budget proposition is set 180 million crowns aside for these purposes the contribution can be provided for project up to 65% of relevant costs. The rules make it possible to co financing the projects which have received grants from EU Structural Funds. The foreign source is first of all EU Structural Funds. In actual period 2007 – 2013 are Regional Operational Programs acceptable. They are based on the statistical units NUTS II which are situated in the Czech Republic with the exception of the capital city Praha. They are Moravskoslezsko, Střední morava, Střední Čechy, Jihovýchod, Severovýchod Severozápad and Jihozápad. An applicant gives request for a grant in terms of the competent ROP who is belonging to the respective one. Every ROP offers another level of financial means University of Pardubice, Jan Perner Transport Fakulty which are classified into Priority Axes. Alike as in last period there are set similar conditions of the grant namely that of these ROP there can be financing maximum 85% of relevant costs. Except for the financial scope the cycle support can be even a layout cycle paths and cycle routes at railway bodies after cancelled railway´s tracks whose parameters are similar as cycle paths or (if you like) routes parameters and then the reconstruction of railway body is not so financially demanding. Next possibility is to build-up cycle paths and cycle routes along water streams, but the build-up can be made as roads for more categories of transport because the roads are used even for the River-Basins vehicles. The legislative possibility for cycle support is so–called Landed Estate Modifications which solve even strained legal relations of the landholders over which a layout cycle paths and cycle routes is planned. The aim of the article is to demonstrate the support means for build-up of cycle paths and cycle routes.
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    Integration and testing process of the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 in the Czech Republic pilot project
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Tirri, Michela
    The contribution describes the Integration and Testing Process applied by Ansaldo STS for the realization of the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 systems, and it is particularly focused on the Czech Republic Pilot Project, the first ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 application in Czech Republic. Starting from the context of the Czech Pilot Project, its technical features, the scope of supply and the main functionalities of this application, in order to focus the aims of the project, the contribution goes to the description of the Integration and Testing process that Ansaldo STS applies on the ERTMS L2 projects, that is an incremental approach, from laboratory environment to real plant, and the contribution gives details about what each step foresees and implies in terms of results. Then the contribution focuses on the application of this incremental approach to the Czech Pilot Project, and on the peculiarities of this application, which requested special additional integration and test procedures. The attention is focused on particular test architectures, starting from Ansaldo STS laboratory architecture, which uses both simulators and target equipments, but also focusing attention on some tests that have been performed between different laboratories located in different countries (Czech republic, France, Italy), using ISDN connection. The test phase continued then on Velim test ring, a test site in Czech Republic, and, finally, on the real Pilot Project line, where two different test architectures were applied, between Poříčany and Kolín. This integration and test procedure allowed Ansaldo to perform all the functional tests reducing as much as possible the use of the line and the impact on the existing traffic. The contribution ends underlining the current status of the Pilot Project, the results that are reached, and its importance for future applications of ERTMS Level 2 in Czech Republic.
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    Railway parts fatigue behaviour under influence of the inner imperfections
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Švanda, Pavel; Schmidová, Eva
    Contribution is devoted to the study of cracking of cast railway frog. In contribution are summarized of findings that were found during investigation of source of cracking. Material properties were investigated by mechanical properties of materials. Fracture area was study by macro and microstructure (fractography) and microstructure and structure defects of bulk material was study by optic and SEM microscopy. Initialization of crack was found in synergic incidence of initial heat cracks and stress concentration in sizable change of cross-section of cast. Main source of failure was found in technology of heat treatment of cast and/or not very proper design of cast.
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    Negative and positive effects of transport on environment
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Švadlenka, Libor
    The paper deals with negative and positive effects of transport on environment. The society, as a bearer of costs on environment protection does not represents homogenous unit. In term of transport costs allocation the society can be split on society sphere (environment protection costs especially bear public service organisations and civil service authorities) and on individual sphere (majority of costs on environment protection bear in essence individuals). Finally the paper deals with the trends of transport in relation to environment including the problem of financing the external costs of transport. The article is published within the solution of research proposal VZ-MSM 0021627505 „The transport systems theory“.
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    Improving passive safety by computer simulation
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Štych, Jan
    Increasing of safety is necessarily - as every other development - a trial and error process. Traditional way to verify the results of development is construction and testing of many prototypes. This is time consuming and expensive. Proven alternative is a virtual simulation. Automotive industry was the first using it almost exclusively for crash tests. This remains the main role today, but the development of technology and increasing of computer power has enabled usage of simulation in new areas. Today is simulation used in the process of manufacturing (stamping, welding ...) and allows direct analysis of the influence of the manufacturing process in crash test result. Simulation gives an accurate description of inflating behavior of airbags. Simulation is also used in comfort, for example in the development of car seats is possible to evaluate effect of vibration transmitted to occupants. Simulation can be used to test the durability of road barriers, where you can virtually check the behavior before physical test. Company ESI Group, a leading global supplier and innovator in this field, has a constantly evolving portfolio of software tools enabling realistic and predictive simulations. The effectiveness of software tools is enhanced by a common environment to define the role and easy portability of the results from one area to another simulation, i.e. you can make very accurate simulation of crash tests, with the influence of manufacturing processes of individual components. MECAS ESI, Czech branch of ESI Group, provides distribution of computer simulation tools and support in Central and Eastern Europe.
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    Structure of access charges for use of railway infrastructure for passenger and freight trains
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Stojadinović, Nikola; Bugarinović, Mirjana
    Charging system for use of Railway Infrastructure is one of the assumptions for introducing and opening of Rail Market and appearance of more traffic operators on it. European Union members had already introduced a charging system, but it is still early to generalize influence of Access Charges on market. Serbia is in the process of accession to the EU and issue of Access Charges will be one of the necessary conditions to apply. Therefore, recognition of the way of solving a charging system in European Countries for Serbian Railway and Serbia is important issue. How much should Structure of Access Charge be different for Passenger and Freight Trains due to the different market position and competitiveness of Passenger and Freight Traffic? In this paper will performed factors that influence on approach to choose structure for Access Charges, provide an overview and analysis how other countries in Europe choose Access Charge, and regarding that - their experiences.