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Aktuální otázky sociální politiky 2010 – teorie a praxe

Permanentní URI k tomuto záznamuhttps://hdl.handle.net/10195/38080


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    Primární prevence užívání návykových látek pro děti z minorit z pohledu českých a belgických odborníků
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Šrahůlková, Kateřina
    This article deals with the theme of primary prevention of drug use focused on children from minority groups of inhabitants. The author draws attention to Dutch and Czech studies that relate to the theme of minority groups of inhabitants and theirs troubles concerning the topic of drugs. The article then continues by explaining the research done by Czech and Belgian specialists working in the field of drug prevention.
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    Síťování jako nástroj lokálního rozvoje v oblasti sociální integrace
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Šotola, Jaroslav
    This article focuses on issues of networking organizations whose work in socially excluded localities. The assumption is that building links between different organizations and institutions can bring desirable quality in the planning and implementation of social integration. Participation of experts at the same time also allows better formulation and implementation of public policies.
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    Multikulturní výchova ve vztahu k sociálně vyloučeným skupinám (romům)
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Šimečková, Jana
    The theme of this article is Multicultural Education and its role and help for social excluded people, especially children. Social exclusion is a serious problem in Europe and other countries. Education is the help what can help fight against social exclusion.
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    Evaluace kvality služby sociální prevence rané péče v kontextu individuálních potřeb klientů ve středisku rané péče v Pardubicích
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Šándorová, Zdenka
    The author - the Chairman of the Association for Early Care and the Head of the Centre for Early Care - describes in the article historical connections and the current state of social prevention - early care services provided according to Law. No. 108/2006 of the Digest concerning social services as amended only in the Czech Republic. The article also focuses on the quality evaluation of these services. The evaluation of their quality is presented based on individual needs of clients of the Centre for Early Care in Pardubice.
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    Používání opatření omezujících pohyb osob v sociálních službách
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Sládek, Miloš
    The usage of precautions limiting the movement of people in social services carries with it a risk of abuse and variously intensive interferences in basic human rights and freedoms. Therefore this situation must be regulated by strict rules. In consideration of the growing demands on the dignity of the users of the provided services and to the subsequent harmonization of approaches with European countries there was an accession in May 2005 to the first legal adjustments of the limits of the restraint of movements of social service users in the Czech Republic. The next amendment was done via the legal document n.108/2006 Sb., on social services, in the wording of later directives. Despite these positive trends it is necassary to state that due to the non-existance of detailed legal regulations the providers are in many cases in a very difficult situation. That is why it is very important how the providers of the services deal with their duty – in adjusting via internal directives the conditions of the usage of precutions limiting the movement of people in particular facilities, where their usage comes into consideration.
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    Multikulturalismus v ČR – věc známá či neznámá?
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Řízek, Zdeněk
    Multiculturalism is in fact today´s globalized world, but loses its original meaning of world. To take power radicalism and extremism, and a better case and concluded he focused individual cultures into their worlds. This cultural separatism can be hazardous to its explosiveness latent and unresolved problems of different cultures concentrated in large units becomes a sources of ideological, social and even the every day´s conflicts.
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    Rámec kvality sociálních služeb v Evropské unii
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Mlejnková, Kristýna
    The concept of quality of social services may have different meanings. The paper deals with the meanings in the European Union. The text contains an overview of the activities of European networks and projects and a view into the preparing document Voluntary quality framework for social services. The conclusion assesses the appropriateness of this concept for the Czech Republic.
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    Kvalita života seniorů v Pardubicích
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Liedermanová, Ivana
    My contribution deals with the contemporary demographic situation of the ageing process of people in Europe, as well as in the Czech Republic. It is necessary to investigate both economical and social impact in context of individual policies and to implement them into upcoming conceptions. Within the frame of the community plan of social and related services The City of Pardubice has a conception of work with seniors that will be changing with respect to the results of the upcoming research.
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    Systémový přístup k problematice modelování kvality života
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Křupka Jiří; Svobodová, Jana; Augustinová, Marie; Mandys, Jan
    The paper focuses on the problem of application of system approach on the quality of life modelling. Suggested quality of life models work with real data sets from the region of the Czech Republic. Models use methods of decision trees and factor analysis.
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    Přínosy podnikatelského poradenství pro osoby ohrožené sociálním vyloučením
    (Univerzita Pardubice, 2010) Krátký, Jiří
    This article is an introduction to benefits measurement of business support for disadvantaged people or communities. There is described a CBBS (Community Based Business Support) model developed in the UK and shortly presented methodology of SROI (Social Return on Investment) analyses. Measuring of business support social value is demonstrated on example of German project "enterability".